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At Summit Mortgage Bankers Inc., we provide fast and complete services to answer you mortgage needs.

Summit Mortgage Bankers Inc.
136-20 38th Avenue Suite 11i
Flushing, NY 11354

Czar Tunman Yeung 楊敦文
Senior Loan Officer | Guest Host on Radio AM 1380
Tel: 718-888-0828 x 118
Fax: 718-732-2959
Cell: 917-544-2334

NMLS# 11933



136-20 38th Avenue Suite 11i
Flushing, NY 11354

Czar Tunman Yeung 楊敦文
資深貸款顧問 | 1380節目顧問
Tel: 718-888-0828 x 118
Fax: 718-732-2959
Cell: 917-544-2334

NMLS# 11933

Typically, residential mortgage loan go through 3 stages:

Pre-approval, Conditional Approval, and Final Approval (sometime called Commitment)

Getting pre-approved before shopping for a home helps you in two ways. First, it helps you narrow down the homes under consideration because it tells you what price house you can afford. Second, pre-approval can give you an advantage over other buyers when you find a home you like. Sellers are more likely to accept offers from buyers who they know have their financing secured, because the sale is more likely to close.

During pre-approval, we look at your entire financial situation. You will be required to show proof of income and credit report. Another words, pre-approval is essentially the same process as you would applying for mortgage loan except that there is no physical property location, appraisal, and underwriter. Pre-approval is a good step to take before you start shopping because it shows sellers that you are a potential and a serious buyer.

At Summit Mortgage Bankers, applying for a pre-approval letter is absolutely free of charge.


Pre-Approval (預批) , Conditional Approval (有條件批准) 最後 Final Approval (正式批准)。

預批證明 (Pre-Approval) 這一環節並不是每人都用到,但確有一定的重要性,在此為大家講解一下: 多數人有了買房子的念頭的時候,最先去做的事情一定是上網,翻報紙,查相關的房子信息和房價,跑Auction,跟賣房子的agent打交道。這個當然沒錯,但是其實卻忽略了自己的借貸能力 (甚至高估自己的借貸能力)。 為什麽重要呢?因為只有做到了解自己的借貸能力,才能更高效率的查找符合自己價位的房子。在和賣家講價時才會心中有底,明確出價。 對售屋者與買家來說,取得房貸預先批准證明有助於雙贏,因現在取得房貸不容易,若出價購屋後卻得不到房貸,雙方都浪費了時間與金錢。

預批證明的申請,主要亦是審核申請者的信用分數及收入,若兩項同時滿足條件,才會核准貸款。對銀行而言核發預先批准要承擔一定風險,若核發後申請者因故又貸不到款,銀行也有損失。 若申請預先批准被拒,我們會根據拒絕的原因建議申貸人改善,譬如有的顧客自認信用良好,經銀行一查發現有問題,我們會題供些建議以幫助顧客改善,等達到標準後再重新申請。


Property Information (Optional) 地產資料

Property Type:房地種類:

Mortgage Information 貸款資料

Mortgage Type:貸款類別:

Mortgage Term:貸款年限:

Applicant Information 申請人資料

Currently Own or Rent:您現在的住家是租的還是買的:

Income Information收入資料

Are you currently Self-Employed?請問您是自己開公司嗎?

Yearly Income $ 年收入 $

* If includes other source of income, such as bonus, dividends, or commissions. Please use the average of the past 2 years as your total. * 若是收入中有額外收入,如紅利,獎金。請用過去2年的平均值做為額外收入的金額。


Assets (includes checkings, savings, CDs, stocks, mutual funds, ...etc)流動資產必須是任何可以在急需時變賣為現金的帳戶。譬如:支票帳戶、儲存帳戶、定存、股票、共同基金...等等。

Credit Report信用報告

Can you provide your own credit report? 請問您是否可提供您自己的信用報告 (Credit Report)?

Add a Co-Applicant?是否有共同申請人?

Applying mortgage with Summit Mortgage Bankers is as simple as 1-2-3. Just fill out some basic information on this worksheet and you are almost done!


Mortgage for 貸款需求
Property Information (Optional) 地產資料

Property Type:房地種類:

Mortgage Information 貸款資料

Mortgage Type:貸款類別:

Mortgage Term:貸款年限:

Applicant Information 申請人資料

Legal Status在美身份:

Marital Status婚姻狀態:

Currently Own or Rent:您現在的住家是租的還是買的:


Assets (includes checkings, savings, CDs, stocks, mutual funds, ...etc) 流動資產必須是任何可以在急需時變賣為現金的帳戶。譬如:支票帳戶、儲存帳戶、定存、股票、共同基金...等等。

Applicant Employment and Income Information申請人工作及收入資料


Add a Co-Applicant?是否有共同申請人?

People often ask me "what if" scenarios. Things like: What if I put more down payments with different purchase / refinance price combined with different mortgage terms, such as a 15 years fixed, 30 years fixed or ARM? And if I pay extra monthly or yearly payments in each different mortgage terms, how soon can I finish my mortgage? Oh! And with those different mortgage terms and extra payments, can you tell me how much interest will I be paid on the 7th year? And what is the remaining balance?

The calculator below will help you find all the answers and compare them side-by-side.

貸款中最常碰到的問題意就是「如果」。 如果我放多一點頭期款呢?如果我購屋價變了呢?如果換成 15 年、30年、固定利率、浮動利率呢?如果我每個月或每年額外多付呢? 如果在不同的貸款類別、不同的利率、再加上每個月額外多付,那在第 7 年時的時候我付了多少利息又還有多少貸款餘額呢?

以上的問題都可以利用以下的貸款計算程式獲得答案。 您可以同時比較 3 個方案哦!

Mortgage Calulation and Evaluation貸款計算和方案
  Evaluation #1方案 #1 Evaluation #2方案 #2 Evaluation #3方案 #3
Home Value房屋價值 $ $ $
Down Payment頭期款 $ or % $ or % $ or %
Loan Amount貸款總額 $ $ $
Loan Type貸款種類            
Interest Rate利率    %    %    %
Yearly Property Tax地稅 $ $ $
Yearly Property Insurance房屋保險 $ $ $
Extra Payment額外付款




  Result #1計算結果 #1 Result #2計算結果 #2 Result #3計算結果 #3
Monthly Mortgage (P+I)每月付款 (本金+利息)
Monthly Payment
w/Tax & Insurance (PITI)
Total Interest Paid利息總結
Loan Amortization貸款分期表

Your questions or comments are welcome.

Tel: (917) 544-2334


電話: (917) 544-2334

Contact Me 直接留言

© 2011–2013 –Summit Mortgage Bankers Inc.
136-20 38th Avenue Suite 11i, Flushing NY 11354